Trainer Search

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Super Donor
May 1, 2014
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WOW that was fast. Thank you for updating us on your progress and for the trainer. any chance we may have an infinite HP and Stamina for your companion? (the cat). :D

Jay in DC

Master Donor
Jul 15, 2014
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Thx for the speedy trainer as always. This is one game I probably WON'T be using a trainer on, at least not at first. This is just my personal issue because the entire point of the game is basically collecting cash / materials so if I have 9999 of everything?

Again, not saying don't use it, but there are certain games every now and then where I may not use trainers if I'm really invested in the game play. Then there are the DOZENS of other games with awful unfun grinds and busy work where I run trainers all day long. :)


New Member
Jun 9, 2016
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Infinite sharpness makes any and all weapons red quality during a hunt. (Bounce city) Everything else working for me if activated at main menu.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2015
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You work fast :eek: you're a legend, MrAntiGod! <3 Thank you very much!

Was playing happily and then suddenly I met the Anjanath, it's a wall I cannot climb, with its instant kill aimbot fireball breath attacks and massive insta-kill AoE dive bombs. This trainer will help immensely!

I know your trainers have the option to remap the keys, but Monster Hunter World requires the use of the F1, F2, F3 and F4 keys for hotkey mapping in game, so I wondered if you would release any future trainers with them set to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc instead of the function keys? I know it's an easy fix regardless but uh, would help out a lot and save a lot of people time :D thank you anyway!


Master Donor
May 5, 2017
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I keep trying to make the trainer work, it just doesn't for me, dunno why, 2/3 wont turn on, money/items/weapon sharpness does but they dont do anything in game.


New Member
Oct 10, 2017
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Has anyone actually gotten inf health/stam to work, they do not activate on hot key press


New Member
Jun 9, 2016
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You have to activate them at main menu (start game/ options/ etc) or they will not work. Health bounces down then back up when hit...working for me. Sharpness reduces any weapon to red quality when it works though, so its a moot point at this time.


New Member
Apr 26, 2014
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Has anyone actually gotten inf health/stam to work, they do not activate on hot key press

Activate it and the stamina cheats at the main menu (before you choose your char atleast) and it works.

You have to activate them at main menu (start game/ options/ etc) or they will not work. Health bounces down then back up when hit...working for me. Sharpness reduces any weapon to red quality when it works though, so its a moot point at this time.

Yeah the sharpness one doesn't work right but it is a very quick way to sharpen your weapon for the moment (activate then deactivate it)


New Member
Dec 24, 2016
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Activate it and the stamina cheats at the main menu (before you choose your char atleast) and it works.
Not here, when I hit F2/F3 nothing happens sitting on the menu screen after activating.


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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Thanks a lot MrAntiFun
f**k YES@@@!!!
my man!!!
Health and stamina are not working but inf item and sharpness and money activate. Thank you for this.
Likewise. I can get everything to turn on except health and stamina. In any case, thanks for the great work!
Also after further testing only sharpness is actually working, health and stamina don't activate, and items and money turn on but don't show any sign or working correctly. Thank you for the hard work sir!!! =D
Yes that works when in main menu
Stand by.
So far so good running to test health and stamina now.
does the inf items just make the items stay at 1 left or does it raise and keep them at max?
restarted game and trainer and tried at main menu but none of the options work.
Aye similar issue here, launched game, opened the cheats, turned money/items on (nothing else worked and despite the money being key 7 the 7th key doesn't work and key 6 turns it on lol) and despite trying a few times, restarting and turning cheats on, none seem to work in game :/ money doesn't change, items aren't infinite, hp/stam goes down still
It seems the sharpness activates and works but make it turn red and doesn't stay sharp. Red is the worst sharpness just a heads up. =D
Nothing working here for me, tried everything at the main menu, stam/hp won't even turn on, all else turns on but dosn't actually do anything
Can we maybe get inf crafting materials too?
The items code worked yeah, but the sharpness does take it all the way down.

I do want this so badly please, and a decorations inventory addition
WOW that was fast. Thank you for updating us on your progress and for the trainer. any chance we may have an infinite HP and Stamina for your companion? (the cat). :D
Cat is already unkillable.
Thx for the speedy trainer as always. This is one game I probably WON'T be using a trainer on, at least not at first. This is just my personal issue because the entire point of the game is basically collecting cash / materials so if I have 9999 of everything?

Again, not saying don't use it, but there are certain games every now and then where I may not use trainers if I'm really invested in the game play. Then there are the DOZENS of other games with awful unfun grinds and busy work where I run trainers all day long. :)
Thx for the trainner ;)
Infinite sharpness makes any and all weapons red quality during a hunt. (Bounce city) Everything else working for me if activated at main menu.
You work fast :eek: you're a legend, MrAntiGod! <3 Thank you very much!

Was playing happily and then suddenly I met the Anjanath, it's a wall I cannot climb, with its instant kill aimbot fireball breath attacks and massive insta-kill AoE dive bombs. This trainer will help immensely!

I know your trainers have the option to remap the keys, but Monster Hunter World requires the use of the F1, F2, F3 and F4 keys for hotkey mapping in game, so I wondered if you would release any future trainers with them set to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc instead of the function keys? I know it's an easy fix regardless but uh, would help out a lot and save a lot of people time :D thank you anyway!
I keep trying to make the trainer work, it just doesn't for me, dunno why, 2/3 wont turn on, money/items/weapon sharpness does but they dont do anything in game.
Has anyone actually gotten inf health/stam to work, they do not activate on hot key press
You have to activate them at main menu (start game/ options/ etc) or they will not work. Health bounces down then back up when hit...working for me. Sharpness reduces any weapon to red quality when it works though, so its a moot point at this time.
Activate it and the stamina cheats at the main menu (before you choose your char atleast) and it works.

Yeah the sharpness one doesn't work right but it is a very quick way to sharpen your weapon for the moment (activate then deactivate it)
Not here, when I hit F2/F3 nothing happens sitting on the menu screen after activating.

New trainer added , Please test it and let me know if there is any more issues .


New Member
Jun 24, 2016
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Thanks for the speedy trainer boss man!

The unlimited items no work for crafting materials. :(

Also any way you can add in a story skip? Already beat it on PS4 and just want to do end game at 60 fps >_>


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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Updated the trainer with small fix to lower game cpu usage .
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