Recent content by stiltz85

  1. stiltz85

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (Early Request)

    I would not even try it. I would almost guarantee you would get banned if you try it online.
  2. stiltz85

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (Early Request)

    Money works for me, just make sure the option is on while making transactions. after turning the option off your money will go back to what it was before but as long as the option is enabled at the time of purchase, it should be fine.
  3. stiltz85

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (Early Request)

    It does, just set the executable manually in wemod.
  4. stiltz85

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (Early Request)

    Epic and Rockstar are the same thing, Epic just opens the game through Rockstar launcher.
  5. stiltz85

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (Early Request)

    I bought it on PC so I can see it on my 3440 X 1440 Monitor and of course for RedM. Cheating on the single player would be considered a bonus in my book. Not having to worry about money or stats and just enjoying the story with no distractions.
  6. stiltz85

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (Early Request)

    No, I have not played this game in ages, nor will I wait for a trainer just to play it. It's beautiful on PC and should be enjoyed with or without cheats. Not like the game is impossibly hard or anything. A trainer would be nice but it's not in any way mandatory for me to play a game.
  7. stiltz85

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (Early Request)

    +1 A reveal entire map option would be nice too.
  8. stiltz85

    The Crew 2! (REQUEST)

    Would be nice to have a trainer for this game
  9. stiltz85

    The Crew 2

    Not sure if this can be done as it is has some online play but I figured I would throw this request out there just in case. The Crew 2 Just mainly requesting Money/Exp cheats and possibly speed hacks or infinite boost.
  10. stiltz85

    Jurassic World Evolution

    Cheat engine works pretty good for Money, though every island has a separate balance. A trainer would be nice though.
  11. stiltz85

    Metal Gear Survive Trainer

    Would be nice if there was a way to make the learning books for crew not consume on use or a way to modify how many you actually have.
  12. stiltz85

    Metal Gear Survive Trainer

    Anyone want to group up for some salvage s ranks on hard?
  13. stiltz85

    Unturned Request

    dying of dehydration/hunger 10 minutes from spawning kinda kills it for me.